Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tissue/ Kinesio taping, eye suppression work update

Frankie F said---
Mike and I have been talking about this.
I think it depends on why you might have a dermal / superficial fascial barrier.
I think Mike's is related to his heart surgery.

Mike is trying performing a few valsalvas while holding the barrier to see if he gets any deeper or distal sensation (decreased circulation).
He is also going to test the barrier with an elevated heart rate, as well (increased circulation).

If he becomes aware another barrier (deeper or more distal),
he tries to get it to release and then retests the original barrier.

My thought is that the original barrier will improve...if not dissipate entirely.

Update to Frankie's comment above

Results so far non exercising are across the board---probably related to current stress levels too!

Most of the time, hands on pressure to the top part of my scar (midline chest scar from open heart surgery in 1974--thoracotomy) on the left side "up" and right side "down" helps my right eye stay on (it is currently is suppressed, like off the charts suppress according to eye doc)

I taped it in that position and tried the Brock string again (S Phase visual work for supression) and nothing. As soon as I did some eye tracking work, back to the Brock string (with tape still in place) it would stay on quite nicely.

Before tape I felt around for another barrier and could not find one per say, but I tend to get super lost doing hands on work on myself. I did a valsalva with hands on pressure in up and down orientation while doing the Brock string and most (not all the time) it helped. Taping with Brock string and valsalva helped also (most of the time).

So far I've only done one session at elevated HR and not much change, but I will try again.

The cool part is that even just taping the scar in place so far feels much better, gait and movement clear up quite nicely. I've been leaving the tape on before Z movements and then when I move around more. Just got it a few days ago, so more to report soon.

Any ideas, feedback, let me know.
Rock on
Mike N

1 comment:


Did you feel the "depth" or "distance" change when you were taped and performing the valsalva?