Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Training update

I know my updates have been hit and miss here and I apologize for that, but training is still going well.

Main changes
--need to bring up squat
---more exercise (body willing of course)
--more calories

Did a short CRF sess today since it was beautiful outside. Repeated my circuit training from last year just to see where I am at

Last Nov PR was

10_15_CRF circuit_KB swing_sledge_KB open palm press

CRF Circuit
Last done on 9_24

done circuit style I, then II, then III, and repeat

I KB Swing (1 arm) low tension style, bone rhythm work
40 kg x 15/15 (L/R)
40 kg x 15/15 (R/L)
40 kg x 15/15 (L/R)
40 kg x 15/15 (R/L)

II Sledge strike overhand on tire (16 lb sledge)
note--most of tire was on asphalt
Added 16 for round three now
16 x 15/15
16x 15/15
16x 15/15
16x 15/15

III Open palm KB press
16 kg x6/6 for 4 sets

Time 12:54
Avg HR 153??
15 sec rest/ 1 min avg 1:07--recovered much quicker
Overall was difficult, but not horrible

Avg HR 146
time 13:58
15 sec rest/ 1 min avg 116
Hard, but manageable, movement same at the end

Been trying to figure out what transfers the best for my CRF work. So far it seems like some intervals with KB snatches and sledge work seem best.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3_31 Tues KB snatch and DL--TSC prep

Stil trained after test day, but slammed for time, hence no updated inbetween

Z Health 20 min before and 10 min dur day

Last heavy pull before TSC if feeling good.
315 x 1
32 kg x 46 reps in 3 min

Time in 7:06 out 8:01
Z Health 15 min more

135 x 5/5
185 x 5/3
225 x 5
275 x 2
315 x1
345 x 1 mod speed, felt good, 5 min rest before

pull ups (been sucking at these, ordered a new pull up bar in mid March but have not had time to mount it--crap)
BW x 2, 2, 2

7 min rest

32 kg snatch
SAID work to bring up CRF
goal 46 in 3 min
got 42 in 3 min

Music by Six Feet Under and American Head Charge

3_3 to 3_26 Thurs DL and KB Snatch: TSC prep

so I suck lately at posting. I have been slammed with work, research and the like.

I have been training for the TSC and started specific prep on 3/03---yeah, that gives me 4 total weeks. Not ideal, but hey that is life.

I hired a coach to help me with program design, so you won't see tons of details here. I hope to reveal the methods later and the said coaches name; but he had a tall task in front of him considering my crazy schedule.

Tested lifts on 3/03/09
TSC is
1 max Deadlift
max number of pullups (Elite BW+25 lbs)
KB snatches for 5 min with 24 Kg (Elite is 32 kg =70lb )

I will be doing it Elite style. Main reason is I have no desire to try top my 5 min PR of 120 snatches.

Bench pres
tested just for fun since have not tested it in a long time
95 x10
135 x 10
185 x 2
205 x 1 with audible commands and pause on chest and lock out
215 x0 missed, 205 had great speed and 215 stalled about 1/2 way up.
205 x 1--smoke show, easy, great speed
210 x 1--slow at top, last 2/3 from top were slooooooooooow.
my bench sucks, but it will be put on hold for the next 4 weeks at least

DL--no belt, no straps as always
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
2175 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1---slow and left knee started to come in

5 min KB snatches, 32 kg KB
up to this point I have done a total of ZERO KB snatches this year with the 32 kg due to bruised hip.
5 min 39 total reps, RPE 8.5

Fast forward to 3/30 Testing
note--bought a new stereo for my garage gym and it is KILLER!! My old boom box was crapping out on me about 50% of the time and pissing me off to no end. The main reason to have a garage gym is freedom, convenience, and and loud music! Insignia amp/reciever and 2 sony 8 inch woofer speakers---love it, neighbors hate it.

Testing 3/26/09 Thurs
1 spike 2. 5 hours before
6.5 hours sleep night before

135 x 5/5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 2
315 x 1
345 x 1--good speed
365 x 1---ok speed
385 x 0--got to about 3/4 up shin and hit a wall, decided not to push with 1 week to go

note: I have pulled 405 in the past at the TSC, so regaining strength is a bit easier, although up to this point my DL was stuck and took almost 6 week "off" at min due to hip issue recently

KB Snatches
61 reps in 5 min
CRF cooked by 2.5 min ugh
+22 reps though, so happy with that

Thursday, March 19, 2009

3_05_09 Z, DB bench, arms, lunges RE at work

Slept 8 hours last night
AM wt 204
Added 1 sprouted grain eng. Muffin at breakfast each day

Juggling 5 min
Z Health 20 min

DB flat bench work
40 x 20 --fast
55 x 10/10 alternated
60 x 10/10 ---could just start to feel hip at the end, so stopped there.
--hip is much better on these, but did not push it

DB curls (Left Lunge, Left rotation)
30 x 15/15 +3 inch ROM
35 x 12/12
40 x 7/7
Done moderately fast

3_04_09 Wed "Off" light cardio only

AM wt 204
Z Helath 15 min
36 min biking--low intensity--avg HR 109
Feel wiped out
Mid/low back sore---upper mid back sore too
Hamstrings a bit sore (abs and hamstrings were sore from KB snatch/FSQ work the other day--pathetic I know)
10% meal at night with Jodie--microbrew and potatoe wedges with garlic--hhhmmmmmm

3_3_09 TEST DAY Bench, DL, 5 min KB 32kg snatch

Slept only 5.5 hours last night
No coffee today, lots of tea, FRS before lifting
Z Health, jugglign 20 min
Survival Z during the day (as always)
Client got here late, so did not start lifting until almost 9pm--much later than usual

Flat bench (comp grip at index)
All done with audible commands--Go, press (pause at chest), rack
95 x 10
135 x 10
195 x 2
205 x1--super easy, flew up
215 x 0 missed--sucked eggs, pause was fine althought I lowered the bar slower than before, got to about 1/2 way back up after a long pause (seemed long), and complete startle and torque towards left side. Pissed off
205 x 1--super easy again, no starle, fine pause, weight flew up
210 x 1--good pause, slllllllllloooooooooooooow at about 2/3 of the way up but made it (with a muppet face)
185 x 1 mid finger grip, super easy

3 min rest

135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2 Rhup
275 x 1, 1 L/Rhup
315 x 1, Lh up--good, but a bit slower
335 x 1--made it, but left leg was shaking and quite a bit harder.
Moderatedly pissed off. Only 3rd str bar DL this year.

2 min rest
5 min KB snatch with the 32 kg KB
39 reps total RPE 8.5
Did not got balls out, only about 85%,
Form needs work, esp Left side
CRF is just above the basement, but I can get in almost top shape CRF wise in 4 weeks, easily in 6 weeks
First time I have even done a snatch with the 32 kg yet this year

Good part
My right hip was not painful at all during all of the testing, so that is good.
Lots of work to do in less than 4 weeks, so hired professional help--also needed to off load some stuff as my energy level is low with all the other balls I have in the air right now. It was his idea to have a starting test (ironically I agree with, but what not have done myself----hence the reason to "hire out")

TSC goals (which were set on Jan 1)
Compete Elite style
DL 415 raw (10 lb PR)
Pullups with 25 lbs x 4 (I need to get a darn pull up bar and practice)
5 min KB snatch with 32 kg 75 reps

So I have to add 70 lbs to my DL and almost double my KB snatch numbers
Need to test Pull ups soon
Should be interesting!

3_2_09 Deadlift, TGU, curls

Z Health 20 min
Juggle 3xs for total of 10 min
Visual testing (brock string)
No scar tape
Can see X at about 8 inches, yellow bead, PR!
Can see Y at about 15 inches--PR!

DL 5 x 5
Str bar 0
Trap bar +3"
Sumo -2.5"

Trap bar DL
135 x 5, 185 x 5
225 x 5 for 5 sets, RPE 6, ended at RPE 8

16 x 3/3
24 x 1/1
24 x 1/1
All done slow with pauses

Stand bicep curl
45 x 8
85 x 7 for 3 sets
85 x 7//65 x 7//45 x 10

3_1_09 Sun KB Snatch work and front squats

3_1_09 Sun KB Snatch work and front squats
AM wt 203.5
Slept 9.5 hours ugh
Feel almost human again
AM walk--SUN!!! 11F though, 22 min avg HR 84

Juggle 3xs 2-5 min each
New juggle PR of 30 continuous done with 2 letter tennis balls and 1 pink ball

Z Health AM 5 min, later 20 min
Time in to lift 5:35pm out 6:10pm
Garage temp 34F

Front Squats
Have not done them for a long time, and only did them for a bit in the past
Tested really really well (+3")
Working on a clean grip and getting depth
45 x 7 done with arms out in front
95 x 7 then 45 x 7
95 x7//45 x 7
95 x7 // 45 x 5
All were done to bench, just above parrallel, 45 (bar ) was done to full depth, no bench
Lowered safety bars in rack to close spaced hole #4--bar at bottom was 28 inches off floor

95 x 2 rest grip x 4
Did a video and sent it to Aaron S for feedback

Front Squats: From belly button down-excellent. The main thing to work on is the chest/elbows up. The challenge you'll have is when the load gets a little heavier this will put the upper back extensors at a mechanical disadvantage as the load is placed in front of the neck and the scapula is adducted and upwardly rotated giving no help to thoracic extensors.

Basically where you start (point A is excellent) is good, it's point B that needs elbows/chest up. You could "toy" with the grip a little. Sometimes guys do a little better just slightly wider, but don't go any closer together.

Also on the front squats, maybe trying bringing your head position looking slightly more towards your right. Seems to be pulling right shoulder/elbow down slightly and possibly into more thoracic flexion on the right side.
---Aaron S

On to KBs

KB Snatch Work (done circuit style)
16 x 15/15 max HR 127
16 x 15/15 max HR 148
16 x 15/15 HR 151

24 x 10/1000 147
24 x 10/10 157
24 kg x 10/10 157

28kg x 5/5 145
28 x 5/5 153
28 x 5/5 157

Previous time 19:32 avg HR 119 vol 3,264 kg
This session
Time 20:56 avg HR 127 vol 3,720 kg (+456 kg)

2_28 Sat Bench, KB fun, RE day

Z Health 30 min

Juggle 2xs at about 8 min each

Scar tape midline scar = about 4" increased ROM

I Neutral bench press
85 x 10
135 x 6
135 x 8
135 x 8

Focused on mod speed lowering and FAST up

II Neutral grip bar hammer curls
85 x 5
85 x 10 repPR
85 x 7
85 x 5

(did some neutral grip pull ups for a few reps too)


16 x 3/3

16 x 3/3

Chins BW x 3-no pain!!

BW x 2-- no pain and did not push it

At the end

Ring Rows

Arms at sides, feet on bench, 4 boards from wall

BWx 9

BW x 8

Took the 400 lb tire out since the driveway was clear.

First time out for the tire this year!

Temp was 22 F but sunny!

16 lb sledge on tire (focus on speed/impact force) x 15/15

A couple tire flip

Friday, February 27, 2009

2_27_09--Off, Survival Z Health

Off, survival Z
Feeling tired and off to bed early tonight

2_26 Thurs Deadlifts

Have not done a straight bar DL since about Dec 27 or so. Ugh.

Z Health 20 min
juggling two times for 5 min each

tested neutral
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5 testing better
185 x 5 RH up--testing good now, gained about 2 inches ROM
225 x 5 Rhup
275 x1 R hup
315 x 1--will post video
345 x 0 missed
Left knee came in a bit and missed it about 3 inches off the floor. Wish I had a video for it
No knee pain and was fine the next day and later that day--no pain

Was actually testing well, so decided to work up to a soft max to see where I am at. Overall I am pissed that I am missing 345 now, but I guess considering that my legs are stupid weak now and I have not done any DL work (other than really really light trap bar DLs a few times) I am ok and did not regress too much.

Goal for TSC is 415
Have done 405 last year at the TSC (current PR)

I am open to suggestions for left leg, knee issue.

2_25 Wed RE DB Bench, Rows, Hammers

Z HEalth 20 min
juggling two times at 7 min each

Done at work gym

DB Incl 40 x 7, movement dropped

Flat DB bench
45 x 20//DB floor press neutral x 8 both FAST
45 x 20 //50 x 4
--hip did not hurt much getting up and down--very slight

1 arm DB row (2 point stance)
50 x 15/12
50 x 15 L
50 x12

DB Curls (L lunge position, rot L)
35 x 12/11
35 x 10/9 (R lunge rot L--tested better)
40 x 6/6 // hammers 30 x 5/5 str and rt lunge

Multi angle lunges (I Phase)
BW x 4/4 for 2 sets

At the end
DB flat flys
30 x 8--tested really well
// push ups to smith bar at mid thigh--drop from standing to push up and back to standing//overhead rope ext 9 x 13/5

2_24 Tues Bench and Rows

Juggling PR--did it for about 20 seconds!
juggling 15 min
Z HEalth 20 min

warm ups
no lifting partner
185 x 4, mod speed down, fast up
185 x 2 mod spd down, 2 second pause, fast up
185 w blue chains (about 40 lbs) x 1, last 2 inches to lock out was slllllllloooooooooow
185 x 2 w 2 sec pause at chest
185 x 3 w 1-2 sec pause at chest
--all done at comp grip, index at ring

Ring Rows
(feet up, 4 boards spaced from wall, palms down and in, bring to lower chest)
BW x 6
BW x5
BW x 4/ palms up x 2
BW x 10--neutral grip, continous
BW x9 same
BW x 8 same

Bench, blue choked bands around top (rev bench)
hold for 2-3 sec at top lock out
done w mid finger at ring

205 x 8
225 x 4
225 x 3

Tried chins---still pain in hip, did not do

2_23 Monday KB Snatch work

I am going to do the Elite version of the TSC, so instead of doing the 5 min snatch test with the 24 kg it will be with the 32 kg. I just starting doing KB snatches again about 7 days ago. I have not done them for reps since about Nov (bad I know), but they just did not test well and then after my hip fall they were incredibly painful. I tried one with the 24 two weeks ago and stopped halfway up as it felt someone took a knife through my right hip.

Hip is feeling MUCH better now, so that is good. Need to work up slowly and keep working on technique.

Z Health 15 min
juggling 15 min

ascending ladders

I) 16kg x 15/15
x 15/15
x 15/15

II) 24 kg x 10/10
x 7/7
x 7/7

III) 28 x 4/4
x 4/4
x 4/4

total time 19:32 and avg HR 119
waited until HR came down to about 100 between sets
total volume 3,264 kg (7,180 lbs)

forced breath hold time was 1:09

2_22 Sunday Squats, push ups, KB press

Rode the bike in the AM for 30 min, fasted, avg HR 129

Lifting later
1 spike at 5:45pm, feeling really tired before
2 scoops surge, 1 scoop hydro protein, 2 gm L carnitine, 5 g creatine
Started to take creatine again, did not take for about 5 weeks.

95 x 8 for 4 sets
--no hip pain--yeah!

Standing bicep curls
95 x 6, x 5, x 5, x 4
most pathetic thing ever written--almost as much as squats. Stupid hip. Postitive==no pain.

Push ups (both legs, could only do with left leg down before)
BW x 10 mod/slow
BW x 12
BW x10
BW x 11

KB Press
16 x 6/6
24 x 3/3 easy
28 kg x 1/1 // 16 kg open palm x 8/7
24 x 4/4 very slight right hip pain,

KB Snatch
24 x 10/10--felt pretty good

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2_20 KB Snatch and BU Press PR

HRV analysis from last friday afternoon above
SampEn 1.040
Yikes, that sucks for HRV (heart rate variability)

I currently have pretty much no variability and am primarily sympathetic driven
Note: I took this measurement in the later afternoon, so not fasted and had coffee (2 cups) plus an early AM test.

Other graphs is Vo2 mL/min
Done at the same time, resting, later afternoon

Super short on time
Juggling 10 min
Z Health 15 min (survival Z during the day)

KB Snatch work
16 x 15/15
24 x 6/6
24 x 8/8
24 x 4/4 called it a day, speed dropped off a cliff

Still felt good, so decided to go for a PR as I've been feeling weak lately (although my hp is getting much better now)

Got the 24 kg for a bottoms up KB press on my right side. Even had a witnees to give me a shaky thumbs up on the the form.

Felt good to finally get that. Not something that I normally train, but try to do it every now and then.

Got the Earth Pulse unit
Very nice! Paul sent me out a brand new unit and it is sweet. Easy to read, buttons work great. I will documenting the results coming up. 5 weeks until TSC--yikes, holy startle.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2_19 RE at work during lunch, Z Health

slept 8 hours last night, Earth Pulse unit on recovery
woke up 10 min before alarm--weird

Light RE sess at work

Z Health 20 min
Low back tight, feel tired still
nerve glide work from various positions
eye tracking
no vestibular work

DB flat bench
40 x 17 mod/fast
50 x 17 fast
55 x 13---pain in right hip as coming up
---feels easy, but can't go any heavier due to slight hip pain

2 pt Row
45 x 15/15 easy
65 x 14/10 R/L
60 x 10 L only

Supinated Stnding DB alt curls (L lunge)
35 x 12/12/
45 x 4/4 // 30 x 4/4 straight stance

Atttempted pushups--tested poorly
Chins up---tested poorly, hip pain on second rep

2_18 Training--KB Snatch

The good and bad

The good-- my hip is feeling pretty good and on a forward bend with straight knees I can get to about mid shin (no scar tape). About 6 weeks ago I could barely get to a few inches below mid thigh.

My eyes are working better, tracking really well last night and PREP was fine.
Juggling is going well and I hit about 12 tosses with 3 balls last night a few times. New PR! Tested my eyes and both stayed on for well over a minute.

The bad
I got really dizzy. I was able to recreate it by doing a tibial nerve glide, just over the edge of where it was painful and then a fast "head back up" movement. Seemed worse with my eyes closed. Felt like the whole room was spinning. I tried getting up and down very fast (sqaut/lunge type motion) and that was fine, so seemed to be more vestibular than orthostatic intolerence.

Woke up this AM, still tired, but felt ok.

My thoughts are that my body is trying to re-organize all the info and sent my vestibular system for a loop.

Tried some 16 Kb KB snatches
16 x 10/10 for 4 set

24 x 7/7 for 3 sets

Got better for a bit, then went off a cliff at the end and too much startle holding the weight over head and timing was all off, called it a night.

Have also been just stupid hungary lately, despite very little exercise in the past few days.

Juggling practice about 2x s a day for 10-15 min. Always feel much much better afterwards.

Normally when this happens, if I lay low for a few days, get some good sleep and eat more I feel really good after it passes. Will see if that happens this time also.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm back

I have sucked at updating this blog lately.

The short version is after the Z Master Trainer eval I somehow managed to bruise my sciatic nerve in my right hip. I did some Z nerve glides that helped a lot and some other work and it is pretty good now.

I am still planning to do the TSC on April and doing it Elite style. Not sure how, but I WILL do it.

I was finally able to do KB snatches for the first time in about 6 weeks last night
16 kg x 10/10 for 6 sets in 8 min
Decided to try the 24 kg
24 kg x 5/5--felt awesome and nice and fast and stable at top. 5/5 is pathetic compared to normally where I am, but I tried it 2 weeks ago and could not get 1 rep--got a huge stabbing pain in my right hip

Trap bar DL s
135 x 8-10 for 5 sets
pathetic numbers for me, but I can do them without any pain or decrease in movement; so will slowly work up again.
Will try str bar DLs soon too.

Had a great bench session last Tues as it has been in the toilet too. I still can't push at 100% through my right hip
Just missed 175 + 60 lbs chains for a single
Hit 205 for a triple with good speed, no problem.
Still way below where I need to be, but it is coming around.

More updates soon
Earth Pulse unit is still in the shop (has been since about mid Jan). Should be back soon.
Need to work on staying on with PN 90% compliance and getting as much sleep as I can sneak in. Been down at the lab 2-5 days a week at stupid early hours for testing.

Any comments, bring em
Mike N