Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm back

I have sucked at updating this blog lately.

The short version is after the Z Master Trainer eval I somehow managed to bruise my sciatic nerve in my right hip. I did some Z nerve glides that helped a lot and some other work and it is pretty good now.

I am still planning to do the TSC on April and doing it Elite style. Not sure how, but I WILL do it.

I was finally able to do KB snatches for the first time in about 6 weeks last night
16 kg x 10/10 for 6 sets in 8 min
Decided to try the 24 kg
24 kg x 5/5--felt awesome and nice and fast and stable at top. 5/5 is pathetic compared to normally where I am, but I tried it 2 weeks ago and could not get 1 rep--got a huge stabbing pain in my right hip

Trap bar DL s
135 x 8-10 for 5 sets
pathetic numbers for me, but I can do them without any pain or decrease in movement; so will slowly work up again.
Will try str bar DLs soon too.

Had a great bench session last Tues as it has been in the toilet too. I still can't push at 100% through my right hip
Just missed 175 + 60 lbs chains for a single
Hit 205 for a triple with good speed, no problem.
Still way below where I need to be, but it is coming around.

More updates soon
Earth Pulse unit is still in the shop (has been since about mid Jan). Should be back soon.
Need to work on staying on with PN 90% compliance and getting as much sleep as I can sneak in. Been down at the lab 2-5 days a week at stupid early hours for testing.

Any comments, bring em
Mike N

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