Tuesday, May 6, 2008

5_6 lunch session, PM squat/DL

I will be recording my sleep too
Sleep 7 hours, work up with alarm, work up once during the night

Lunch session
Z Health 30 min
Athletic Ready Stance work mostly
Some eye tracking

Training (done in circuit style, low RPE, low threat, short rest)
DB flat bench (alternate pressing motion--one at a time)
35 X 12/12
45 X 10/10
50 X 8/8

DB 2 point row
35 X 11/11
40 x 10/10

DB standing hammer curl
35 X 7/7
Left leg in front, rot left
30 X 7/7

BW Squat (arms out in front)
BW X 12
BW x12 12
Played around with moving my eyes up when I was coming up--felt pretty good

PM Session (high vol week 3)
Music--Testament--new one (it rocks!!)
Plan is Squat 5 x5 and
DL 7 sets < 90% 1 RM

Z 10 minutes
--alternated squats and DLs once warmed up on DLs

DLs (conventional)
135 X5
185 X2/2 R/Lhp
225 X 1/1 R/Lhp
275 x 1/1 R/Lhp
315 X1 Rh up (6,3) all were done with an athletic ready stance, middle of foot under knurling of bar (outside shoulder width)

335 X 1 Lh up (7,4) moved back to a standard set up, feet under hip
335 X 1 Rh up (7,3)
335 X 1 Lhup (8,4) moved feet out a bit
335 X 1 Rh up (8,5)
335 X 1 Lh up (8, 5)
335 x 1 Rh up (9,6)
385 x iso hold 4 sec Lh up and eyes up position
--overall movement felt ok, just weak. felt pretty tired overall too
warm u
all done to high box--17.5 inches
measured and I need about 12-13 inch high box to be below parrallel--need to work on getting an adjustable box (will make one this summer)

135 X 6
155 X 6
175 x 4 (7,3)
175 x 3 (7,4)
175 x 3 (7,5)

movement felt good this time and worked on moving my eyes up as I came up off the bench and that seemed to help
done in socks only

Music Bleeding Through and Scars of Tomorrow
Sleep 7 3/4 hours woke up to alarm clock and woke up once dur night

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