Friday, April 11, 2008

4_9 EDT Trap bar DL and bicep curls

Was surprise that I had no soreness, no movement issues at all from bench.

Music: Strapping Young Lad

Z Health NWU 2, rehab work, eye tracking and Brock string (brock string was in the AM)

EDT set--alt back and forth, set timer for strict 15 minutes for all work (excludes warm ups)
Trap Bar DLs
warm up 135 X 5, 225 X 5

275 X 5,5,5,5,5,5,3,2, = 40 reps (last time was 30 reps on 3/21)
alt with

Standing bicep curls (just outside shoulder width grip)
warm up 45 X 7, 65 X 5
85 X 5,5,5,4,4,3,2,1 = 36 (last time was 26 reps on 3/21)

Felt pretty good. Weights felt "heavier" at start, but went well.

Glutes and hams were still sore 3 days later--ugh. Mid back and upper traps a bit sore next 1-2 days.

Left knee later that night felt not so good--slight pain on the lower left side of the patellar tendon. Low back (esp left QL) was tighter then too--Hmmm. Did some Z work and then heard a loud crack/pop in my low back and the pain went away almost completely. Would flair up at times over the next 1-2 days and did some Z work to open up my low back and each time the knee pain would go away.

Also got my trainer for my bike and running this past weekend (finally). I realized that since most of my day is spent seated or not moving around much (heck even walking long distances) I need more just general exercise. So I can ride my bike inside in the AM. I literally have it set up so that I fall out of bed, crawl over to the extra bedroom with the bike, hop on and do 10 minutes and read some articles and be done. Yeah, 10 minutes isn't much but it is WAY more than what I have been doing (uh, that was nothing). 5 times a week comes out to 50 min of exercise and 50 minutes of reading too!

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