Thursday, April 3, 2008

3_25 Light bench, myofascial and Z

Lunch session at work
Z NWU 1/2
Lots of eye tracking and near/far in seated and standing position
15 minutes standing Z--lunge positions, DL start position

10 min seated Z
lots of head tilted and rotated with eye tracking
lots of wrist and shoulder work

Lifting--low threat, low RPE work

DB flat bench
35 X20
45 X 17
60 X 13
65 X 7 left neck started to tense up, terminated the set (still felt good though)

triceps need more work??--feel it more there and pecs

DB rows
50 X 15/15
55 X 15/14

BW squat
X 15 shoes all way down
X 15 arms out in front

Rt lung, int rotation, DB curl
35 X 9/9
40 X 5/5
30 X 7/7

3/25 PM session
DL and KB Press

135 X5
185 X 5
225 X 4
275 X 4
315 X 1,1 (5,4)
365 X 1 (6, 5) good speed
295 X 1 (4, 3)
295 x 1 (4,3) last two felt great, easy

KB Press (from a clean, strict with no lower body)
32 kg X 0 (KB got out away in front of me
32 kg X 0 (KB was not stable before I started the press)
was thinking about not trying again, but lifting partner encouraged me to try one more time with a slight pause after the celan
32 X 1--whooo ha. PR
slow about at the mid point, but kept my arm right under it and drove through
minimal facial tension and movement was still good aftwards.

L only KB Press
28 X 2
28 X 2
note need to use RIGHT glute more and not shift weight to left side

KB snatches
24 kg X 69 in 3 minutes

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