Saturday, March 22, 2008

3_19 Z and light cricuit

Z Health
self scar release work on upper abdominal area
--I had a surgical repair of an ASD (atrial septal defect)
when I was 4.5 yrs old--can you say lots of scar
tissue from having a bone saw to my sternum! :)

Tissue work in the down direction freed up neck rotation
Lots of eye tracking work, esp rt eye (patched left)

Brock string for visual convergence,
Rt eye getting better slowly

Wow, gait improved a TON! Wheeeeee
Visually, everything seemed "clearer" for about an hour
So this is what it is like to have 2 working eyes!

Beautiful outside, so time to take the 400 lb tire out!
BCAAs only
Music: Living Sacrfice
(just heard Bruce is getting LS back together!!!)
circuit style, short rest

Chin ups (all done with head in neutral, bar to upper chest)
BW X 4 (slt pause at bottom)
BW+24lb X vest X 1,1
BW X 4

KB 2 hand Swings (kg)
25 X 25
32 X 20
40 X 15
the 40 kg (88lb) KB is known as "Sparky"

2 hand overhead sledge strike to tire
8 lb sledge??
15/15 (L/R)

est time to complete about 24 minutes

Still felt good and figured I needed a PR so I
picked up the 32 kg KB

32 X 1 (R only) KB Press!!!
PR--whoo ha. Best to date was 2 reps with the 28 kg
It felt clean and no hip drive, but will have to get a witness
for my form. L hand is up next time.

Snatch work
24 X 20/20 in 1:47 --self time
--rt hand grip was giving out so cut the reps short

Few random tire flips in also

Felt great!

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