Saturday, March 22, 2008

3_21 EDT Trap Bar DLs, Bicep Curls; lots of Z

25 minutes of Z
lots of eye tracking to the right
girlfriend helped with random eye tracking drills
brock string--look at bead and look away and back
rt eye about the same
More eye tracking, but with patch on left eye
Pencil Push ups
Brock string--rt eye getting better now

Z NWU 2/ DL specific
added some sport specific speed

Short session

Alternate Trap Bar DLs and Bicep Curls (oh my!)
did warm ups and then the following
15 minute PR Zone
4 EE as always
Music: Chimaira
Temp: 50 F

Trap Bar DLs
275 X 5,5,5,5,5,5,5 = 30 reps
vol= 8, 250

Standing bicep curls (traps down ALL the time)
85 X 5,5,4,3,3,3,3 = 26 reps
vol= 2210
Total time=15 minutes

3_20 Bench/Ring Rows,Lunges

Z Health NWU 1/2
Brock string
Lots of eye tracking in diff positions
little bit of scar work
Lifting partner helped cue my mid thoracic--still
quite sticky at times, but getting better
20 minutes

Music : American Head Charge; Still Remains
Temp: 50 F

Bench, flat
45X 10, 95 X 10

135 X5
155 X 4
175 X 2 (with 1 sec pause at bottom)
185 X 2
205 X 1
225 X 0 (missed) (9, 8)
a little over eager
L wrist was started to bend a bit at the bottom
and no good and decided to not push through it;
as much as I hate missing a weight.

all done with index at ring (newer grip)
most work done in the past with middle finger at ring
need more reps with new grip before going up in weight again

2 board press with pauses
My sticking point is right at a 2 board level off my chest
grip with index at ring
175 X 4
185 X 3
185 X 1 with audible pause, no boards

Reverse Ring Rows
BW X 14
BW X 15
feet up on a bench BW X 4

BW X 10/10
16kg KB X 6/6

played around with KB snatch split lunges
(think Oly split snatch but with a KB)--interesting. Needs more work

3_19 Z and light cricuit

Z Health
self scar release work on upper abdominal area
--I had a surgical repair of an ASD (atrial septal defect)
when I was 4.5 yrs old--can you say lots of scar
tissue from having a bone saw to my sternum! :)

Tissue work in the down direction freed up neck rotation
Lots of eye tracking work, esp rt eye (patched left)

Brock string for visual convergence,
Rt eye getting better slowly

Wow, gait improved a TON! Wheeeeee
Visually, everything seemed "clearer" for about an hour
So this is what it is like to have 2 working eyes!

Beautiful outside, so time to take the 400 lb tire out!
BCAAs only
Music: Living Sacrfice
(just heard Bruce is getting LS back together!!!)
circuit style, short rest

Chin ups (all done with head in neutral, bar to upper chest)
BW X 4 (slt pause at bottom)
BW+24lb X vest X 1,1
BW X 4

KB 2 hand Swings (kg)
25 X 25
32 X 20
40 X 15
the 40 kg (88lb) KB is known as "Sparky"

2 hand overhead sledge strike to tire
8 lb sledge??
15/15 (L/R)

est time to complete about 24 minutes

Still felt good and figured I needed a PR so I
picked up the 32 kg KB

32 X 1 (R only) KB Press!!!
PR--whoo ha. Best to date was 2 reps with the 28 kg
It felt clean and no hip drive, but will have to get a witness
for my form. L hand is up next time.

Snatch work
24 X 20/20 in 1:47 --self time
--rt hand grip was giving out so cut the reps short

Few random tire flips in also

Felt great!

3_18 lunch and PM sess-bench, 2 board and trap bar DL

During lunch
Z/Myofascial session

All done within 50 min
Very low threat, medium to low RPE
Done circuit style, minimal rest

Z Health work 25 minutes
lots of seated work and eye work
various I phase and beyond positions

DB flat bench
35 X 20
40 X 18
45 X 15

DB Hammer curls
(with Rt lunge and Rt Rotation)
30 X 10/10
30 X 10/10
40 X 6/6 10 sec rest and 30 x 4/4

BW Squat
with shoes on (frees) BW X 20
done to bench
done without bench BW x 10

Music: Darkest Hour
Garage Temp: 47 F

2 board bench press, pinky at ring
45 x 10, 95 X 8, 135 X 4

155 X 4
175 X 3
175 X 3
185 X 3 (7, 4) (RPE, threat)

Trap Bar Deadlift
Haven't done this in forever and realized I never did a true max
so figured I would give it a shot
figured I should hit 405

135 X 5
225 x 5
275 X 5
315 X 3
365 x 1
405 X 1 (9, 5)
425 X 0 (missed)

My stupid brain right as I started to lift 425 off the floor
said "hey, you got a PR already and you don't need to
do this" --missed. Crap.
Note to self--once I get a PR, shut it down and come
back another day unless it is a meet.

"Satisfaction is the death of desire"
---Jamey Jasta

3_16 Speed DLs, KB Press, KB Snatch

So I have still been training, but slacking big time on posting!
S Phase was awesome in AZ and I had a blast!

Here are a few updates

3/16/08 Friday
KB Presses (kg) L/R low threat
16X 8/8
24 x 4/4
24 X 6/6

DL all pronated, relatively short rest, did max DLs on 3/12 and felt weak then
135 X 5
185 X 5
225 X 1,1,1,1,1 (5-10 sec between)
275 X 1,1,1 (10 sec between)

3 min snatch test
1:00 at 26 reps
2:00 at 52 total
3:00 at 75--whoo ha, hit goal of 75 in 3 min to put me on track for 125 in 5 min--brutal.